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Staking & Validating on Radix
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Featured Questions
Start Here! Radix Staking Introduction
How does staking work on Radix?
How Should I Choose Validators To Stake To?
All questions
Are There Any Limits On Validators Changing Their Validator Fee Percent?
Can I move stake freely between validators, or do I have to unstake and restake?
Can a validator node-runner prevent anyone other than themselves from staking to their node?
Do Validator Nodes Operated by the Radix Foundation Accept Delegated Stake from the Community?
Does the Radix Foundation Receive Incentive Rewards From Staking and Validator Node-Running?
Does the Radix Foundation Stake its Own XRD Holdings? To Which Validators?
Does the Radix Foundation operate validator nodes?
How Can I Distinguish Between Stake That I Personally Added to a Validator and Stake That I Acquired Through Other Means?
How Do I Run a Validator on Radix?
How XRD staking emissions rewards & penalties are calculated - general
How XRD staking emissions rewards and validator fees are calculated - for validators
How XRD staking emissions rewards are calculated - for token holders
How are nodes outside of the top 100 incentivised to “step in” if any of the top 100 validators drop out?
How are validator node-runners incentivized?
How are validators on Radix selected?
How do XRD emissions work?
How do token holders earn and claim XRD emissions rewards?
How long does it take to convert LSUs to XRD and unstake?
Is there a minimum or maximum stake limit?
What are Validator Fees?
What are network emissions?
What happens if a validator node misses many consensus rounds?
What happens if a validator node “drops out” or unregisters during an epoch?
What happens to my tokens when I stake them? Could the node I delegate to steal them?
What is a Liquid Stake Unit (LSU) and Native Liquid Staking?
What is a Validator Component?
What is the Radix Foundation’s Policy on Staking & Node-Running?
What is the XRD subsidy incentive for validators?
What kind of staking system does Radix use?
What tools are available to token holders to support them in deciding which validator nodes to stake to?
When are XRD emissions rewards distributed?
Where do XRD emissions tokens come from?
Where is the best place for validators and the wider Radix community to connect?
Why are Liquid Stake Units (LSUs) unique to each validator?
Why aren’t validator sets larger on Radix's Babylon Mainnet?
Why is the amount of XRD that is staked or unstaked sometimes very slightly different than what I requested?
Why not incentivize validators below the top-100 as a “buffer”?
Will my staking emissions rewards be automatically staked?