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What is the throughput (TPS) of Radix's Babylon Mainnet?

Radix’s Babylon Mainnet utilizes an unsharded form of the revolutionary Cerberus consensus protocol

Unsharded Cerberus is capable of at least 50 DeFi transactions per second (TPS), more than 3x the throughput of Ethereum, which already serves most of DeFi. As all transactions on Radix are DeFi transactions, it should be noted that this is comparable to other networks as follows:

  • Ethereum: 9 AMM swaps per second on average
  • Polygon: 47 AMM swaps per second on average (95 peak)
  • Avalanche: 31 AMM swaps per second on average (176 peak)
  • BSC: 194 AMM swaps per second 
  • Solana: 273 AMM swaps per second

Source: The AMM Test: A No BS Look at L1 Performance.

Unsharded Cerberus should provide sufficient throughput to support the Radix Public Network until the Radix Xi’an Mainnet release. Radix Xi’an will be fully sharded and capable of infinite linear scalability while preserving atomic composability. Feel free to learn more about how this will work in the Cerberus Infographic Series.

Further Reading: